Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Band Camp Baby & the Summertime Blues!

Last week our son went to his first band camp at Southwestern Oklahoma State University. He had an absolute blast staying in the dorms and learned so much during his time there. He made new friends and learned some jazz techniques that we have been hearing since he got home! LOL! I was blessed enough to get a half day off work last Wednesday to drive down and see him perform; it was great! There are so many super talented kids out there and I am so happy that my son has such a love for music - just like we do. It can really take him places if he wants it to! I just keep waiting to hear the line.... "and this one time, at band camp," come out of his mouth!!! LOL! Here is to hoping it never does!!! LOL!

After he gets back Wednesday night, we start packing and getting ready for our weekend adventure. To celebrate the 4th of July, we left Friday and spent the weekend at Lake Eufala with some friends who invited us down. They were kind enough to let us stay in one of their RVs and we were happy to have one of TJs friends, Jake, join us so that TJ wouldn't be the only child there.

The best part of the trip was our time at the beach Saturday and the boys had so much fun! Needless to say, the rest was an adventure with the least of problems being the fact that it POURED rain all Saturday evening and early into no fireworks! And, cold smores in the RV since campfires won't burn in the rain! LOL!

The boys rolled with the punches (as did we all) and by gosh, on Sunday morning we had our own daylight fireworks display! Despite all the minor bumps along the way, it was a great trip and I wouldn't have changed a thing (except for the rain probably!) no matter what. The kids had a great time, our boxer baby, Sid, enjoyed his first camping trip and my husband made one heck of a brisket! What more can a girl ask for!!

Happy Scrapping!

1 comment:

Leanne said...

What a cutie pie your son is!! I'm glad he had fun at camp but I'm glad you haven't heard him say one time at band camp yet lol!! This is the first year in a long time that we haven't been camping on the 4th and boy seeing and hearing you talk about it makes me really miss it!! I'm glad you and your family had fun and these are some great pictures!

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