LeAnne is one of the newest members of the Whimsical Scraps & Bugs Design Team and is extremely talented! I absolutely love her work and hope you take a moment to check out her blog!
The rules of this tag go something like this:
Get on your computer and go to the 6th folder in your pictures files.
Once you are in your 6th folder, pick the 6th picture there and post it with a short explanation about who/what is going on.
Once you do that, tag 6 more people on your blog that you would like to know more about!
The photo I am posting is of my fantastic mom-in-law (yes, there are great ones out there and I am blessed to lay claim to one!) Shirley. This photo was taken Christmas Eve as she was cooking in the kitchen during one of our annual family traditions! Every Christmas Eve we stay at my hubby's parents, along with his sister & her family, and we wake up and open presents Christmas morning just like everyone does when they are little. We have an annual Christmas breakfast and dinner. There are even presents from Santa for all of us"kids!" It is always amazing!
Now, to tag 6 others....hmmm....let's see....
1. Beatriz - iralamija.blogspot.com
2. Heather - heatherbares.blogspot.com
3. Estee - because-estee-says-so.blogspot.com
4. Okie - okieladybugsscrapnmore.blogspot.com
5. Meg - beauchampfam.blogspot.com
6. Christina - creationsbychristina.blogspot.com
Hope you all take a moment to check out their awesome blogs!
Happy Scrapping